Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме: «Saint Valentine’s Day»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

гимназия №34 г. Орла

Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Подготовила: Проскурина М.С.

Учитель английского языка

Пояснительная записка

В условиях поликультурного и полиязычного мира изучение иностранного языка становится одним из приоритетных направлений модернизации школьного образования. Целью обучения во всех типах школ является не система английского языка, а иноязычная речевая деятельность.

Card № 1

Heart, sweetheart, card, carnival, Valentine, Saint Valentine’s party, to decorate the house, to buy invitation cards, to make a fire, to make invitation cards, to make costumes, to buy presents, to put presents under the Christmas tree, to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards, to make Valentine’s cards, to arrange a Valentine’s party, to buy sweets, to visit relatives, to eat traditional meals, to feel love, to feel anger.

Card № 2 (pink)

Please, match the words to form word combinations

to send roses

beautiful Valentine’s cards

romantic cards

pretty love

to prepare an invitation

to talk a party

to give about Saint Valentine’s Day

to get chocolates

to make roses

to buy Valentine cards

to write presents

to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards

Please watch the presentation which made Zubkova Marija.

Развитие навыков аудирования. Расширение страноведческих знаний.

Приложение 2

Please, take light-green cards and finish the sentences.

Card № 3 (light-green)

  1. People celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day on the _________________________.

  2. People believed that birds chose their _____________________ on this day.

  3. People began to _____________ Valentine’s cards more than two centuries ago.

  4. In Britain there are a lot of Valentine’s cards for this ____________________.

  5. The most popular Valentine’s cards are ______________________________.

  6. The sign of love is a red _______________.

  7. People give red roses and _____________________ each other on Valentine’s Day.

  8. Other symbols of Valentine’s day are ______________ , ______________ , ____________ , _______________ , _______________ .

Просмотр презентации, затем дети выполняют задание, после выполнения задания – контроль.

Now I suggest you to learn more about the celebration of this holiday.

Чтение с извлечение конкретной информации.

Card № 4 (blue)

Now, let’s read the text about Saint Valentine’s Day and find some new information about this feast. Now, take sheets of paper and write out the new information.

Читают про себя текст, затем детей попросить вычитать информацию, которую они записали.

Saint Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine’s Day is a holiday which is celebrated in Great Britain, the USA, and in many European countries. This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February. It has many legends. One legend tells that Saint Valentine was a priest. He lived in Rome. Saint Valentine was famous for helping lovers.

Some people believe that Saint Valentine was the saint patron of birds. The legend tells that birds choose their mates and begin to build their nests.

One of the traditions of this festival is to send valentine’s cards. More than two centuries ago people began to send valentine’s cards. There are a lot of different cards for this celebration in Britain. The cards may be humorous or serious, romantic or not. People may even send Saint Valentine’s Day telegram.

People send special cards to someone they love. There are special cards to My Husband, My Wife, Mother, Father, and Sweetheart. People usually don’t sign their names. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.

On Valentine’s Day people give each other red roses, because a red rose is a symbol of love. People also give each other chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.

Now, children, I want you to listen to a very beautiful Valentine’s Day song and to watch the video clip, which is made by Bulgakova Anastasiya. After watching the clip, please, say what “love” means.

Приложение 3

Использование билингвальной основы в обучении английскому языку.

Now, please, make up dialogs, use in your dialogs new information that you have learnt today.

Работа в парах. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по опорам.

При прослушивании готовых диалогов продолжается работа над совершенствованием фонетических навыков и развитием навыков аудирования с полным пониманием содержания.

( Раздать на карточках диалоги с подстановками)


  • Do you know British holidays?

  • Yes, I ______.

  • What British holidays do you like best of all?

  • Best of all I like Saint __________ __________.


  • What do you know about Saint Valentine’s Day?

  • Now I know (that) _______________________________.


  • Have you prepared for Saint Valentine’s Day?

  • Yes I _________. I have bought many_____________ cards.

  • Do you know, that people don’t sign valentine’s cards.

  • Yes, I do. And now I know (that) _____________________.


— What are you going to do for our ______________ party?

— I’m going to put a letter __________ for valentine’s __________.

— And I’m going to buy sweets.

— It’s great.

— Now I know (that) people give each other sweets I ______ boxes that look like _____.


  • What can you tell our partners about __________ __________ Day?

  • I’ll tell them (that) Saint Valentine was a ___________.

  • And I know (that) __________________.


— Do you know that ________ _____________ was famous for________ _______?

  • Yes, I do. Now I know (that) he lived in _______.


  • Do you know (that) people give each other red ________ on ________ _______ day?

  • Yes, I do. People give each other _________ because a red rose is a symbol of _______.


— Do you know (that) people send valentine’s cards on _______ _______ Day?

— Yes, I do. Now I know (that) people may even send a Valentine’s Day _______ on this holiday.

IV. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов:

Now, children our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Write down your home task: make publications about Saint Valentine’s Day use hot- list with web sites.

Методические рекомендации

Для проведения данного урока используется электронное приложение, подготовленное учащимися данного класса. Оно позволит разнообразить формы работы с учащимися, сделает урок более зрелищным, позволит ученикам легче запомнить страноведческий материал, стимулирует познавательный интерес к предмету. Использование билингвального клипа дает возможность учащимся более тонко прочувствовать атмосферу праздника.

Для работы с данным электронным приложением потребуется мультимедийный компьютер, мультимедийный проектор и демонстрационный экран. Приложение позволит более наглядно раскрыть тему урока.

Раздаточный материал предлагается детям на карточках разных цветов, что позволяет более конкретно акцентировать внимание детей на определенном виде задания. Яркая цветовая гамма привлекает интерес учащихся, активизирует мыслительную деятельность.

Список литературы

1. Дзюина Е.В.

Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке. 5-9 классы

Москва, ВАКО-2007

2. Миронова О.С.

Занимательные материалы по английскому языку.

Волгоград, КОРИФЕЙ-2008

3. Павлова А.Н.

Праздники в США и Британии.

Москва, Чистые пруды-2005

4.http:// pedsovet.su/load/11-1-0-4305

5.http:// pedsovet.su/load/114-1-0-950

Приложение 1

Раздаточный материал для учащихся

Card № 1

Heart, sweetheart, card, carnival, Valentine, Saint Valentine’s party, to decorate the house, to buy invitation cards, to make a fire, to make invitation cards, to make costumes, to buy presents, to put presents under the Christmas tree, to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards, to make Valentine’s cards, to arrange a Valentine’s party, to buy sweets, to visit relatives, to eat traditional meals, to feel love, to feel anger.

Card № 2 (pink)

Please, match the words to form word combinations

to send roses

beautiful Valentine’s cards

romantic cards

pretty love

to prepare an invitation

to talk a party

to give about Saint Valentine’s Day

to get chocolates

to make roses

to buy Valentine cards

to write presents

to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards

Card № 3 (light-green)

1. People celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day on the _________________________.

2. People believed that birds chose their _____________________ on this day.

3. People began to _____________ Valentine’s cards more than two centuries ago.

4. In Britain there are a lot of Valentine’s cards for this ____________________.

5.The most popular Valentine’s cards are ______________________________.

6. The sign of love is a red _______________.

7. People give red roses and _____________________ each other on Valentine’s Day.

8. Other symbols of Valentine’s day are ______________ , ______________ , ____________ , _______________ , _______________ .

Card № 4 (blue)

Saint Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine’s Day is a holiday which is celebrated in Great Britain, the USA, and in many European countries. This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February. It has many legends. One legend tells that Saint Valentine was a priest. He lived in Rome. Saint Valentine was famous for helping lovers.

Some people believe that Saint Valentine was the saint patron of birds. The legend tells that birds choose their mates and begin to build their nests.

One of the traditions of this festival is to send valentine’s cards. More than two centuries ago people began to send valentine’s cards. There are a lot of different cards for this celebration in Britain. The cards may be humorous or serious, romantic or not. People may even send Saint Valentine’s Day telegram.

People send special cards to someone they love. There are special cards to My Husband, My Wife, Mother, Father, and Sweetheart. People usually don’t sign their names. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.

On Valentine’s Day people give each other red roses, because a red rose is a symbol of love. People also give each other chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.



  • Do you know British holidays?

  • Yes, I ______.

  • What British holidays do you like best of all?

  • Best of all I like Saint __________ __________.


  • What do you know about Saint Valentine’s Day?

  • Now I know (that) _______________________________.


  • Have you prepared for Saint Valentine’s Day?

  • Yes I _________. I have bought many_____________ cards.

  • Do you know, that people don’t sign valentine’s cards.

  • Yes, I do. And now I know (that) _____________________.


— What are you going to do for our ______________ party?

— I’m going to put a letter __________ for valentine’s __________.

— And I’m going to buy sweets.

— It’s great.

— Now I know (that) people give each other sweets I ______ boxes that look like _____.


  • What can you tell our partners about __________ __________ Day?

  • I’ll tell them (that) Saint Valentine was a ___________.

  • And I know (that) __________________.


— Do you know that ________ _____________ was famous for________ _______?

  • Yes, I do. Now I know (that) he lived in _______.


  • Do you know (that) people give each other red ________ on ________ _______ day?

  • Yes, I do. People give each other _________ because a red rose is a symbol of _______.


— Do you know (that) people send valentine’s cards on _______ _______ Day?

— Yes, I do. Now I know (that) people may even send a Valentine’s Day _______ on this holiday.

Приложение 2

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