Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Typical English Houses» скачать бесплатно

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Презентация по слайдам
Слайд №1

Текст слайда: Typical English Houses

Слайд №2

Текст слайда:

Слайд №3

Текст слайда: Detached houses

Слайд №4

Текст слайда: These two houses are over 600 hundred years old. They were built during the Tudor times.

Слайд №5

Текст слайда: Semi – detached houses

Слайд №6

Текст слайда: This house was built when Queen Victoria was on the throne 100 years ago.

Слайд №7

Текст слайда: Bungalows

Слайд №8

Текст слайда: Terraced houses

Слайд №9

Текст слайда: Apartments

Слайд №10

Текст слайда: I live in a detached house. This means that my house is not joined to another house. My house is made of bricks and tiles. In my house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs. We have central heating which keeps our house warm. Some houses have an open fire place but we don't. (Over 90 per cent of homes have central heating.) Hi, my name is Erik. I live in a small town in the south east of England.

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