Помогите. Даю больше баллов Напишите что они самые самые That is car in the world (beautiful) Tom is runner in his class (bad) That is story in the book (funny) Jane is of the five girls ( short) Mr Baker is driver in our 2 упражнение Вставьте слова из рамочки Слова: quick quickly slowly good well badly 1.Sam is a……………student. He speaks English……….……. 2.Tad cannot play tennis. He plays tennis………… 3.Be……….……! We don’t have much time. Hi is a sportsman. He runs……….………… 4. He is a sportsman. He runs………… 5. Mrs Smith is 90. She walks……………

That is the most beautiful car in the world (beautiful)
Tom is the worst runner in his class (bad)
That is the funniest  story in the book (funny)
Jane is the shortest of the five girls ( short)
Mr Baker is driver in our
1.Sam is a good student. He speaks English well
2.Tad cannot play tennis. He plays tennis badly
3.Be quick! We don’t have much time. 
Hi is a sportsman. He runs quickly.
4. He is a sportsman. He runsquickly.
5. Mrs Smith is 90. She walks slowly.

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